Drive more leads and increase ROI with pay-per-lead live website chat

Digital ad spending eclipsed the $600 billion mark in 2023 and is showing no signs of slowing down:

As companies continue to pour budget into their digital strategies, it’s never been more important to convert as many leads as possible the investment they’re making to drive traffic to their website.

The best way to do this is to meet prospects using a channel they most prefer, and in recent years that’s become live chat. Here’s some stats to back it up:

As consumers, we’ve changed our habits when it comes to interacting with a company’s website. Chat has become a perfect fit for our new browsing behavior because it offers quick responses to our questions without picking up the phone or filling out a contact form.

Because of this, here at BroadBased we’ve launched a website chat system that provides you with 24/7 live agents that are trained in your specific industry.

We help you develop a script that’s designed to answer their most frequently asked questions, and deliver you their name and contact info so you can add them to your lead funnel ASAP.

And the best part about it? You only pay for chats that convert to sales leads.

Here’s a video that explains how it works and why it’s so effective:

If an existing customer uses your website chat for customer service, you don’t pay for that chat.

If a salesperson uses your live chat to pitch you their product, you don’t pay for that chat.

The only time you incur a fee is when an in-market prospect raises their hand and gives you their contact info, and the cost per lead is tailored to fit your unique budget.

We can get our chat widget up and running in less than a week, and you can expect an immediate impact on your lead generation efforts:

“The first day that we launched the website chat function here at Complete Health, we had 4 leads right away,” said Clay Barnett, Marketing Director for Complete Health.

Both B2C and B2B companies will see huge returns from pay-per-lead website chat, and to start off 2023 we’re waiving our Setup Fee (a $1,200 value).

To set up a meeting to talk about your lead gen goals and put together a live chat strategy, go ahead and chat with one of our agents below or call 904-467-9305.

Chris Ramaglia

Chris Ramaglia


Chris Ramaglia leads our digital strategies at the agency. He has more than 17 years' experience with online lead generation, holds nine digital marketing certifications, and has a borderline obsession with helping our clients smash their new business goals.