Trends in Marketing
Recent surveys show marketing directors dramatically increasing interactive and digital marketing budgets.
You’ve all heard the truisms in advertising and marketing: In lean times, ad dollars fall. But it’s in those times when marketing is more important than ever.
Marketing strategies are much more complex now than merely a print and ad budget. There is print advertising, broadcast advertising, online presence, direct mail, html newsletters, search engine optimization, social media, paid online advertising and on and on. We at BroadBased have continued to see printing budgets fall over the last several years as marketers turn their efforts to online and e-solutions. So in these lean times, where are executives for some of the nation’s biggest brands aiming their marketing dollars?
According to the Oct. 16 Research Brief from the Center for Media Research, the dollars destined for interactive and digital marketing are increasing dramatically, while dollars earmarked for traditional marketing methods are in a nose dive.
Their interactive/digital preferences are leaning toward social networking, blogs and podcasting. We at BroadBased also see a sustained rise in organic search strategies. Being among the first listed in an online search is the FRONT line for most, if not all, marketers.