Android, iPhone or BlackBerry: Who’s Winning the Mobile Race?
June 5, 2011
Although marketers continue to produce printed materials for promotion and internal communications, much of the conversation in our orbit continues to revolve around the digital realm. The question de jour concerns what type of smart phone people are using the most. Depending on the demographics you seek, the answer changes.
Companies targeting execs ask that mobile strategies and smart phone apps be compatible with Blackberry, long known as the executive workhorse device. More wide-reaching strategies targeting consumers usually pit iPhone against Android. Although Android owns the largest share of the market, it has interoperability issues across platforms from different manufacturers. If you can only develop your app on one platform, you should choose carefully based on the usage statistics of your target audience. Check out this April article from Business Insider titled Android is Destroying Everyone, Especially RIM (BlackBerry) – iPhone Dead in Water.