Lead The Market – Episode 1 – The Easiest, Fastest, and Least Expensive Way to Drive More Leads

The first episode of our web series “Lead the Market” has launched with the goal of providing unique insight into the strategies that are working best for our client and agency campaigns, as well as talk about trends that can impact how you’re marketing your business.

In upcoming episodes, we’ll be having guest appearances from different subject matter experts to help you stay ahead of the competition and become a leader in your market.

In our first episode, BroadBased EVP & Partner Chris Ramaglia kicks off the series with a walk-through of how to use Call-To-Action Bars to drive more leads through your website. Chris demos the Hellobar software that we use for our clients and on our website, and shows you the features of the tool that allows for 5,000 monthly views free of charge. We hope you enjoy the video, and be sure to email Chris with any questions or topics you’d like to see covered in future episodes.

Chris Ramaglia

Chris Ramaglia


Chris Ramaglia leads our digital strategies at the agency. He has more than 17 years' experience with online lead generation, holds nine digital marketing certifications, and has a borderline obsession with helping our clients smash their new business goals.