Dollar for Dollar, Specialty Advertising Packs the Biggest Punch

Thinking of cost-effective ways to punch up your advertising on a limited budget? Everything old is new again – try imprinted specialty items.

Thinking of cost-effective ways to punch up your advertising on a limited budget? Everything old is new again – try imprinted specialty items.

According to recent advertising research, those imprinted mugs, caps, bags and pens are more powerful advertising messengers than you might think, and they’re cheaper per impression than any other form of media.

Consider this: Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) data show that the average cost per impression of a specialty item is $0.004. Compare that figure to one for any other form of advertising (according to Nielsen Media data):

  • National magazine ad $0.033
  • Newspaper ad $0.0129
  • Prime time TV ad $0.019
  • Cable TV ad $0.007
  • Spot radio ad $0.005

Not only are specialty items cheaper, but they have more staying power with recipients. The ASI’s recent survey showed that 84 percent of people remember the advertiser, 42 percent have a more favorable impression of the advertiser after receiving an item, and 62 percent have done repeat business with the advertiser after they received the item.

According to recipients, they’re most likely to hold on to (in order of magnitude) pens, shirts, caps and bags.

So call Joy at BroadBased to order up those key chains, pens and coffee mugs. They work hard to promote your business!

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's lead marketing strategist.