Ready for Prime Time

November 1, 2009

The Blood Alliance Commercial

BroadBased produced its first-ever commercials last month for client The Blood Alliance. And what a great experience it was! It’s part of an educational campaign to raise awareness of The Blood Alliance (TBA) and the invaluable work it does.

“It began as recognition that we had a real need to refocus our marketing efforts,” said Jason Carney, TBA director of donor resources. “We enlisted BroadBased for a comprehensive marketing and communications analysis.

“What they identified immediately was that we had to make a demographic shift in direction to capture a broader and younger population. They came up with a new overall concept that would be simple, fun, and educational.”

From Concept to Creation

BroadBased’s own CEO and Creative Director Jan Korb presided over the concept, script and storyboards. Teaming with Jacksonville film and video production company Lindsey Films, they organized a day-long shoot at the Channel 17 studios. About 12 crew members were on hand for the early-morning start, along with Kent Lindsey as director, Pepper Lindsey as producer and Kirby Hamilton as director of photography. TBA recruited donors and recipients as talent to deliver their key messages on-air.

In post-production, original music was added along with animations created in-house by Sean Collins using custom illustrations by Regan Dunnick.

The whole process went like clockwork, taking advantage of the state-of-the-art camera “Red One” for shooting. A digital film-free camera, the “Red One” produces raw data that is downloaded into a computer where it can be easily manipulated in editing in limitless ways. The result is ultra-high-definition visuals with superior sharpness and clarity.

“We had a great time on set,” said Kent Lindsey. “The people from The Blood Alliance wanted that upbeat mood, one that would help convey the message that theirs is a positive, life-giving mission.”

First Showing — “You are the ultimate human resource!”

Here’s a look at one of the commercials set to air on local TV from Savannah to St. Augustine over the next year. The overall campaign will also incorporate print and radio spots during that time.

And how did The Blood Alliance team take to their new commercials?

“We are extremely satisfied from the overall vision to the final product,” said Carney. “We couldn’t be more happy with the whole experience, concept to delivery, which has been masterful.”

We at BroadBased urge everyone to make arrangements to visit your local TBA blood donation center and make your contribution. For donor center locations, view their Web site at

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's managing partner and lead marketing strategist.