Client Spotlight: The LBA Group

LBA - Jamie Trayner

Jamie Trayner
Director of Marketing and Communications
The LBA Group
Jacksonville, Florida

How did you decide that now is the right time for your firm to step into social media?

We had been sitting back and watching to be sure it wasn’t just a passing fad. As it became more and more obvious that it is not going away, we made the decision to embrace it and figure out how best to use it for our firm. I also just attended the Annual Summit of the Association for Accounting Marketing and came back with a lot of intelligence as to how social media can best be utilized by an accounting firm.

In what business goals do you see social media assisting you?

In a variety of ways. It is our hope that it will elevate our firm’s brand recognition as the “go to” firm for up-to-the-minute information that is directly relevant to our clients and prospective clients, position us as a resource to our referral sources and promote our culture to current and future employees. We also want to bring attention to the many not-for-profit organizations we support as a firm and through our employees’ volunteer efforts.

How will you measure your success?

In addition to the measurement tools built into the sites themselves, we will also measure based on the number of followers we have and how many new contacts we make through our social media sites.

Are you considering additional forays into social media?

We now have a firm LinkedIn page and a firm Facebook page. Twitter is next. So stay tuned!

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's lead marketing strategist.