Clearing out your Gmail for the New Year

The New Year is almost here and one of the easiest ways to start being productive is by clearing out your inbox. It might seem like a scary concept, but are you really going to go back to that email from February 2017? The answer is no, but the idea of going through all of your emails and deleting them page by page may seem like a hassle that just isn’t worth the time. Lucky for you, we’ve got a way to part with a year’s worth of emails in just a few clicks.

Check out this super simple way to clear your inbox in seconds!

Step 1

  • In the search bar type: “before: 2017/01/01” or the date of your choice

Step 2

  • Select “All” in the dropdown.
  • Select “All conversations that match this search.”
  • Click the trashcan icon to remove the emails. This can take a couple of minutes, depending on the number of messages.

Step 3

  • Go to the trash folder.
  • Select “All” from the dropdown.
  • Click “Delete Forever” to actually delete the emails.

Alexandra Morrison

Alexandra Morrison

Account Strategist

Alexandra Morrison is the Account Strategist at BroadBased and provides strategy and support for a wide range of projects including paid social, e-blasts, digital advertising, website production, marketing automation and more.