Summer Help

BroadBased was very happy to add two new interns to our team this summer — Kayla Little and Anastasia Mann. You may have seen them around! We hope that they have enjoyed their internships as much as we enjoy their help.


Kayla joined us through the United Way of Northeast Florida’s partnership with FSCJ’s pre-college program, GRADS (Gaining Resources and Developing Skills), which provides high school juniors and seniors SAT preparation, finance management, career preparation workshops, and college tours. As an assistant to Agency Manager Joy Jarrell, Kayla is responsible for maintaining client files and keeping those files organized.  Kayla plans to attend Florida International University next year to pursue a degree in architecture or civil engineering. From her internship, she hopes to gain better organizational skills and a better understanding of BroadBased’s functions and capabilities.


Anastasia is a right hand for Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator Despina Pappas. Her responsibilities include monitoring and execution of client social media outreach along with maintaining client status reports on advertising campaigns and Web traffic. Anastasia is a rising senior at the University of Florida, where she will receive her degree in marketing next spring. She hopes that her internship at BroadBased will better develop her written communication and teamwork skills, as well as expose her to key information about the marketing and public relations industries.

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's lead marketing strategist.