How YouTube advertising helped reach more patients
December 6, 2019
The Baker Rural Health Clinic is located in Macclenny, Florida and serves the local community by providing affordable and convenient healthcare services, in many cases as an alternative to an emergency room visit.
As a long-time BroadBased client, we’ve helped them address the challenge in reaching their target audience in a market underserved by cable, with traditional broadcast media airing far outside their targeted geography. After testing targeted Over-the-Top (OTT) advertising in Q1 & Q2, the BroadBased team turned to YouTube and smartphone advertising to reach patients with a creative message to drive results.
Why YouTube advertising?
YouTube’s viewership is at an all-time high and shows no sign of slowing down, particularly on mobile devices. They offer a variety of video ad options that allow companies to capture the attention of a captive audience.
Smartphone games have similar advantages and now allow players to gain gameplay perks like extra lives and additional bonuses for watching video ads. Both seemed like a great fit for the clinic’s goals, and so far, early tests have shown very positive returns.
The 6-second video ad we helped them create averages thousands of views per day in the clinic’s target geographic market and the smartphone game ad is having similar success. These campaigns are being combined with a targeted Google Ads pay-per-click (PPC) strategy to drive website traffic from people that are searching for the clinic’s main services.
Creative ads + focused targeting = digital marketing success
YouTube ad formats offer several opportunities for testing as well. You can test ads that play before YouTube videos which users can elect to skip or test ads users have to watch until the end.
You can also test video ads that play on Google’s partner website network to target your audience based on their interests, as well as unskippable “bumper” ads that play 6 seconds before, during, or after a video. Because YouTube is a Google property, you can take advantage of Google’s extensive targeting options, which include:
- Detailed demographics: household income, age, gender, etc.
- Interests: people who have shown interest in similar products and services like yours
- Life events: recent movers, graduates, marriages, etc.
- In-market audiences: people who are actively Googling products and services like yours
- Video remarketing: people who interacted with your videos previously
Smartphone game ads
Smartphone games also run through the Google advertising network, so the targeting options listed above are also available for these ads. In addition, you can run ads on apps that your target audience uses to increase the reach of your message and value propositions.
As 2020 approaches and you’re considering how to best utilize your marketing budget, make sure you look at YouTube and smartphone game advertising as potential tactics. Chances are, your audience is on one or both of these platforms, and they offer several creative opportunities to increase reach and drive leads.