Does BroadBased Design Web Sites?
In response to requests for BroadBased to provide web design services in-house, we are happy to announce the addition of this service for clients who want to achieve the elusive balance between flash and function.
Headed by Senior Designers Sean Collins and Karen Kurycki, we have recently completed projects for Turner Pest Control, Rock Creek Capital and Amelia Island Yacht Basin.
We believe an effective Web site is more than just a supplementary tool in today’s marketplace. Increasingly, it is the first place prospective customers turn for additional information about your company, or even, in many cases, the avenue by which they learn of your company for the first time. So it’s imperative that your Web presence project the same carefully crafted image as the rest of your marketing design. Because e-commerce is a combination of technology and information, many sites have tended toward the extremes—technological gee-whiz on one end and densely packed information on the other. Unfortunately, neither extreme serves a company’s first priority—which is attracting and serving customers.
That’s where BroadBased comes in. We’re able to incorporate your Web presence into your overall marketing themes for maximum integration with all of the elements of an effective campaign. Plus, our expertise has always been linking superior design with exceptional performance, and that’s the focus we bring to our Web site designs. Learn more about how we can increase the effectiveness of your Web presence. Call Jan at (904) 398-7279.