BroadBased Communications Donation to Teacher Supply Depot Puts a Fine Point on Supporting Education

July 1, 2005

A donation by BroadBased Communications, Inc., to the Duval Public Schools Teacher Supply Depot will help students sharpen their pencils as well as their minds when they return for the 2005-2006 school year.

BroadBased, a Jacksonville marketing design and communications firm, has donated 11,000 pencil sharpeners to the Teacher Supply Depot, which in turn will distribute them to public school teachers throughout the county.

“Donations such as these are critical,” said Melissa Lyke, Supply Depot coordinator. “Public school teachers spend about $750 a year on average out of their own pockets for supplies, so when a company like BroadBased steps up to provide needed items, it makes a real difference to our teachers and our students.”

Jan Korb, president of BroadBased, said the company supports several child-related causes in Jacksonville, and the donation to the Teacher Supply Depot was one way to have a direct impact.

“Supporting our schools is important to the success of our city, and the Teacher Supply Depot is an avenue for providing support that finds its way directly into the classroom,” Korb said.

In addition to accepting donations of new and reusable items, the Teacher Supply Depot also depends on volunteers to organize and distribute the supplies. It currently needs volunteers to help distribute classroom items during its annual Back to School Giveaway for teachers on July 28. Interested volunteers can contact Melissa Lyke at (904) 381-7480.

The Teacher Supply Depot is a joint effort of the Duval County Public Schools’ Community Involvement Office, Warehousing Division and The Duval County Council of PTAs/PTSAs.

BroadBased Communications, Inc., is a Jacksonville-based marketing communications firm specializing in graphic design, promotional planning, strategic communications and copywriting. Clients include Fortune 100 companies as well as regionally based companies and organizations of all sizes.

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's managing partner and lead marketing strategist.