BroadBased Celebrates 10 Years with a New Look

BroadBased is turning 10, and we’re feeling positively grown up. Since opening our doors we have steadily added staff, enlarged our offices and expanded our services to offer a comprehensive suite of marketing, communications and design solutions. At the same time, we have retained the high-touch, personalized service that is the core of our value proposition.

To celebrate our anniversary, we’re launching a rebranding initiative that will refine our identity to reflect the firm’s maturity and depth of marketing expertise that we now provide for clients. A major element of our rebranding is a totally redesigned Web site at that is brighter, smarter and more fun. The new look on our Web site will carry through in our logo, stationary and marketing collaterals, all of which will roll out over the first quarter.

In many ways, we’re just like our clients: We’re a dynamic business with changing marketing needs, and we have to ensure that our brand effectively positions us in the marketplace. If you haven’t thought about the effectiveness of your market identity recently, maybe it’s time you did.

Of course, you know where to turn for help. Developing comprehensive marketing plans, including brand positioning, has been one of the areas in which we have grown rapidly in recent years.

Our sincere thanks to each of our clients and partners for your continued support. It’s been a pleasure working with each of you over the past 10 years, and we’re confident we will continue to evolve in ways that will enhance the value you receive from your BroadBased relationship.

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's lead marketing strategist.