Trade Show Tips

December 1, 2007

For the upcoming trade show season – in addition to sprucing up your display – don’t forget to pre-promote the show to your target market. Try one or more of the following tips.

  • Advertising in trade journals and in the advance show program
  • Adding the name of the show and your booth number to all your pre-show marketing
  • Issuing press releases announcing new products and services, key people attending the show and special show promotions
  • Mailing out cards redeemable for a gift in the exhibit
  • Putting stickers promoting the show on all company correspondence, including all outgoing mail and faxes
Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's managing partner and lead marketing strategist.