The Payoff is in the Planning

Making your 2009 marketing dollars work hard for you is more important than ever, and we can help your chances of marketing success by developing an integrated marketing plan.

The key benefits of a well thought-out marketing plan include:

  • creation of a long-range strategy to guide your marketing decisions
  • delivery of an annual budget detailing projected monthly investments
  • proposed techniques to measure effectiveness of efforts

A marketing plan is developed to meet your specific business goals, be they increasing overall brand awareness, driving consumers to your Web site or developing media relations that result in news articles. Your plan should identify your audiences, geographic reach, outlets (print, online, radio, direct mail) and objectives for your marketing activities. Projected ROI should also be included, as well as agreed upon methods of determining the success of your efforts.

A well-written plan will integrate your marketing or brand awareness initiatives through all outlets and offer strong guidance throughout the year. This is very helpful in that your careful planning will discourage ad-hoc marketing decisions that may not be in line with your business goals or target markets.

If you are interested in exploring the benefits of your own plan, please call Jan at 904.398.7279.

Marketing Planning

One of the important features of a BroadBased marketing plan is that we identify Cost Per Thousand (CPM). CPM is how much it costs to reach any 1,000 (M) people in your target. Knowing the the CPM can be of great assistance when determining if a particular outreach “costs too much.”

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's lead marketing strategist.