2012: Businesses Plan for Marketing Success

To help us allocate staff and resources in anticipation of future client needs, we identify shifts in marketing trends by monitoring client budget allocations from year to year. For 2009, we saw a rise in print design, 2010 brought significant interest in custom app design, and 2011 was definitely the year of social media. Now, with 2012 more than half over, we can confidently say that the biggest increase in marketing activity that we see among our clients is planning.

Requests for marketing plans – from clients both old and new – have increased significantly in 2012. “Since the beginning of the year there has been an increase in marketing activity from businesses of all sizes,” says Jan Korb, BroadBased’s CEO. “After a few difficult years for business, it’s great to see owners actively try to move the needle forward again. And with so many different marketing avenues available to them, they are being very cautious in ensuring that marketing efforts are tied to results projections.”

To see a snapshot example of a BroadBased marketing plan, visit the Marketing Planning page on our website and click the Download a Sample link.

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's lead marketing strategist.