VitaChef® Launches Steamer Skillet
In late 2012, the manufacturers of VitaChef® Steamer Skillet announced the launch of a new healthy lifestyle cooking system that bakes, steams, fries and sautés. The combined brainchild of a Jacksonville restaurateur and manufacturer, VitaChef needed a soup-to-nuts branding strategy that captured the excitement of its unique approach to food preparation and identified messages that would resonate with varied consumer segments. Enter BroadBased. “It’s been quite a process since we were ‘brought to the table,’” says Jan Korb, BroadBased’s CEO. “We started with focus groups and a marketing plan last spring and finished up branding and packaging later in the year. From Web strategy to instruction development, it was a fun and comprehensive project with lots of taste testing along the way!”
Learn about and view videos of the VitaChef Steamer Skillet online at To take advantage of a special launch discount ($49.95 off retail), email Jan for details!