Ad Spending Continues Shift to the Net


The Internet is the nation’s second-leading ad medium behind TV, says ZenithOptimedia. And while the share of U.S. ad spending for TV, outdoor and radio has remained relatively consistent since 2012, Internet spending is predicted to continue to eat away at margins for newspapers and magazines. In 2014, ZenithOptimedia expects the Internet to account for nearly one-fourth (24.6%) of U.S. ad spending, while increasing even more — to 30.7% — in 2016.

This comes as no surprise to us at BroadBased, as we have seen a big shift to digital over the past two years. Nearly all of our clients have at least dipped a toe in the digital advertising waters and enjoyed increased lead generation as a result. But there’s a caveat: With SO many online advertising options and providers, finding the right partner for your needs has become a complex challenge. Give BroadBased CEO Jan Hirabayashi a call to talk about your lead-generation goals, and we’ll get you on track to the most effective solution for your business.

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's lead marketing strategist.