2017: Our crystal ball says ‘digital’

You’ve no doubt been hearing the term “digital transformation” for the past couple of years, and you probably have a good sense of what it means. But here’s something you might not have thought about: Your company is in the midst of a digital transformation whether you realize it or not.

Nearly all strategic planning these days is geared toward integrating digital technology into business activities, processes and competencies. You could even call it a cultural transformation — a new way to work, to view customers, even to think about how your company creates value.

We’ve embraced this shift at BroadBased and changed our business model to accommodate the growth of digital consumers and buyers. In 2015 we saw the tide turning and made a commitment to position our agency as leaders in advanced digital strategies to help our clients grow and thrive.

“What’s amazing to me is just how much things have changed in only two years,” says Chris Ramaglia, BroadBased executive vice president. “Since 2015 we’ve seen mobile usage surpass desktop and digital ad spending beat traditional for the first time. These are unprecedented milestones and definitely a sign of things to come as it relates to digital marketing in 2017.”

Our 2017 Predictions

From our vantage point, we’re seeing three trends emerge within our own industry and those of our clients:

  1. From customer reactive to customer obsessed. No longer are companies sitting back and waiting for customers to react (or not) to the usual marketing efforts. In the year ahead, your marketing strategy will need to encompass a true customer focus using traditional methods as well as all of the digital tools available. That’s a commitment involving everything from investing in technology and data-analytic tools to addressing customer “pain points” that cause roadblocks to your competitive success.
  2. From a digital silo to everybody in the rodeo. Where digital technology used to be strictly the domain of your IT group, it now encompasses all other departments, and marketing can help lead the way. No longer is marketing intended to shift customer perceptions; rather, it is fueled by knowledge of customers and their needs and wants. The goal is to marry digital technology directly to the customer experience to foster business growth.
  3. From ad hoc solutions to a well-oiled machine. Your company will need strong leadership to keep track of which projects to focus on and in what order. That overall vision must:
    1. Define where change is needed most;
    2. Choreograph the change through employee collaboration and training; and
    3. Empower employees to respond quickly and creatively to customer preferences.

It might sound like a big undertaking to make this cultural change within a business, but make no mistake, it is essential for future success. We at BroadBased Communications wish you a Happy New Year and look forward to working as a partner toward your digital transformation goals.

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's lead marketing strategist.