CSI Gets the People Business — and Its Web Presence — Right

CSI-websiteBuilding a brand identity is challenging for any company, but imagine how much tougher it becomes when your company is actually three businesses under one umbrella. That was the situation confronting The CSI Companies, a Jacksonville-based people solutions provider, when it set out to redesign its website.

CSI partnered with BroadBased Communications to find a solution, and the resulting website that launched in April has turned out to be a great example of how carefully crafted messaging, graphics and site design can pull together a complex company into a cohesive whole.

One of the most recommended and top-performing staffing resource providers in the nation, The CSI Companies is composed of:

  • CSI Professional, which assists companies across a wide range of industries in meeting their staffing needs for administrative and clerical support, clinical and non-clinical healthcare employees, and financial services personnel, as well as executive leadership.
  • CSI Tech, which combines professional staffing experience with field-proven technology capabilities to provide solutions to a wide range of IT challenges.
  • CSI Healthcare IT, which provides consultants and project teams that design, implement and optimize patient and health information systems.

“The challenge was to help the company articulate, through its website, an identity that not only captured the company’s businesses and benefits, but also sharpened and strengthened its brand story,” says Jan Korb, BroadBased president. “The CSI leadership had a compelling vision for the organization, but they needed the website to bring it across, and that wasn’t happening on the old site.”

BroadBased worked closely with the CSI leadership to craft a unifying tagline for company: “We get the people business right.” We also helped the company refine and sharpen its mission and vision statements as part of the project. At the same time, we introduced new design elements to make the site more attractive and dynamic, and we addressed structural issues to create a more user-friendly experience and support the concept of three divisions with individual strengths but a common culture and customer service commitment.

Take a look and see how the new CSI website gets its Web presence right.

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's lead marketing strategist.