Tweet that Link

Social networks can boost your site’s search engine ranking

It’s official. Leading search engines Google and Bing have confirmed that they do take social media references into account when they’re generating search results. For you, that means social media can be even more important to your marketing strategy than you might have thought.

We’ve been excited for quite a while about the effectiveness of Twitter and Facebook and other social media as multidimensional methods of marketing communication. They have evolved from a way to connect with friends to a means for businesses to pursue leads, promote products and serve customers.

Still, one key business use has been largely overlooked – social media for search engine optimization (SEO). But not any more. Following the revelation by Google and Bing, a contributor on The Daily SEO Blog decided to see just how much a social network strategy for promoting a website could improve its SEO. He found that within a very short time the use of social networks substantially enhanced the site’s search rankings.

“We didn’t need to read an article about this experiment to know that promoting links within social networks can gain traction in the short term,” said Tonisha Landry-Gaines, BroadBased’s digital marketing strategist, “but it was nice to see it confirmed.” At BroadBased, we believe that coupling a short-term “tweet” campaign with a longer-term link-building strategy is the key to enhancing your business’s online presence.

Still on the fence about social media? Give us a call for more facts about why your 2011 sales and marketing strategy should include online components of social media and search engine optimization. We’ll help you create the right mix.

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's lead marketing strategist.