Is it time for your agency to put some “skin in the game” with performance-based marketing?
“I would definitely budget more for marketing if I knew I was paying for results.”
That’s a statement I hear from marketing executives and business owners all the time, and who can blame them for saying it? It would be so easy to just pay for marketing services that were generating dollars towards the bottom line.
So why don’t more agencies do it?
For one, putting “skin in the game” can be nerve-racking for agency owners. Even if you’re confident you can drive the leads, you’re depending on the client’s biz dev folks to close the deals so you can get your commission.
Also, it’s difficult to track success without the proper measurement parameters configured.
These were two main hurdles I decided to tackle so that BroadBased could offer a performance-based marketing model.
In theory, it’s fairly simple: We develop and execute a marketing strategy and the only fees we charge are a percentage of new sales.
The percentage is based on the lifetime value of a new customer or account, and because we have access into our client’s CRM, we can track the life of the leads we generate until they convert to a sale.
Now, to address the second challenge of depending on our client’s sales team, we handle this by partnering with companies that are the right fit for our approach, and are confident that we can deliver a win-win.
A big part of why we believe in this model is due to the success we’ve had helping our clients track the ROI of their marketing campaigns. Being able to pinpoint exactly which tactics are not only driving leads, but yielding high-quality new business, provides an invaluable competitive advantage.
Our clients have challenged us to build strategies that get results and expect us to be innovative in our approach to growing their business. Performance-based marketing allows us to do that, and helps separate us from other vendors and work in tandem as a true partner in success.
If you’re ready to have a conversation to see if performance-based marketing is the right fit for your business, get in touch today to schedule a consultation.