Client Spotlight: 24/7 Pediatric Care Center
In September, longtime BroadBased client Jacksonville Beach Pediatric Care Center, known for being the country’s ONLY 24-hour pediatric office, expanded to a second location on Jacksonville’s Southside and rebranded as 24/7 Pediatric Care Center. Owned by Dr. Norberto Benitez, the five-year-old practice has grown rapidly since it first opened its doors in 2005. Read details about the growth of the practice in this Jacksonville Business Journal article.
BroadBased worked with Practice Administrator Mary Daniel on marketing planning and launch implementation.
How did you approach the expansion from a marketing perspective?
We worked with BroadBased many months in advance to develop a strategy and budget, which was included in our business plan. The plan included all rebranding components such as updating our office and collateral materials and updating our website. The plan also included an outreach strategy to market to households with children in our target area through print ads, radio, direct mail, public relations and social media.
What have your initial results been?
The awareness program to our 8,000+ existing patients is working to migrate those in zip codes west of the Intracoastal to the new location at 9A and Baymeadows, across the street from Twin Lakes Academy. For new patients, raising awareness of who we are and what we do is our primary goal.
For our launch in September, our website hits were DOUBLE the weekly average of previous months. Direct traffic to our domain increased 46% and search traffic increased 63%. This tells me our awareness campaign worked. Also, we opened the new Southside office on Labor Day, a holiday in which we don’t believe other pediatric offices were open. On that day, we treated a combined total of 87 new and existing patients that would have otherwise had to make a hospital emergency room visit.
What are your next steps?
Like many service providers, word of mouth has always been our biggest referral source. We will continue to raise awareness of the practice to existing residents and families new to the area through traditional means. Also, with BroadBased, we are building a social media presence. We continue to receive consistent traffic to our blog and have a very robust Facebook community that has increased website referrals from Facebook by nearly 40%. Additionally, we will continue to build our fledgling Twitter presence to attract a local audience.