Marketing Automation is cleaning up

March 30, 2016


We know that as a marketing executive, business development specialist or business owner you’re hearing more and more about marketing automation and the benefits of incorporating it into your business development program. We also know that it’s showing up in your news feeds, industry conferences and peer conversations. And we know it’s getting very hard to avoid. Rightly so. Because it’s awesome.

As the technology and tools that drive marketing automation strategy have become absolutely affordable for small and medium size businesses ($100 month entry level), what was once out of reach for SMBs is now a reality.

We’re not saying marketing automation is easy, but we ARE saying that it’s worth learning about.

At BroadBased, we’ve developed expertise in designing, writing and executing marketing automation workflows, and we can explain the process and benefits of lead nurturing to your team in under an hour.

So you’ve heard about it, you’ve become curious about it and now you can afford it. Ready to take the next step? We’re excited to share our experiences, best practices and successes. Please email Chris Ramaglia to learn how a marketing automation program can take your new business strategy to the next level.

Jan Hirabayashi

Jan Hirabayashi

Founder / Senior Strategist

Jan Hirabayashi founded BroadBased in 1996 and is the company's managing partner and lead marketing strategist.