Three key ingredients of content that converts

September 16, 2016

3 Keys to Conversion

Ninety percent of all the data in the world has been generated over the last two years.* Let that sink in for a second.

Now consider how this relates to digital marketing; with all this data floating around, and growing by the nanosecond, how can a company hope to stand out? By creating quality, relevant content that genuinely addresses users’ needs and drives them to take action.

Good content answers a question before your prospect even asks it by creating the perception that your product or service solves a problem that they didn’t even know existed. Online videos, infographics and comparison charts are great at this. With advances in technology, they can be created faster and less expensive.

“The main reason why content marketing strategies have become so popular is simple: they’re highly successful at consistently generating ready-to-close leads,” said Chris Ramaglia, BroadBased EVP. “When today’s buyers go online to research your company they want to see how you’re going to solve their biggest problems. If the content they find does a killer job of addressing their specific pain points, your chances of converting them to a lead skyrocket.”

So what differentiates content that gets ignored from content that makes the phone ring? We’ve boiled it down to three key ingredients that a variety of B2B and B2C companies have found consistently successful.

1.) Purpose: Why is this here?

This is a question your prospective customers are asking when they visit your website or social media profile. If your content is nothing more than generic copy and stock images, what reason would a buyer have to make contact?

Website content

The closer your content matches the reason of why your prospects are researching you to begin with, the higher the probability of them taking the next step in the sales process. You have to instantly grab your user’s attention by showcasing unique value propositions and competitive advantages.

It’s also important to consider the goals of your content. Depending on your industry it may not be a phone call or contact form submission. Email newsletter subscriptions, Facebook Likes, e-book downloads, and video views are all examples of conversion points that lead to sales.

Bottom line: your content needs to focus on the buyer and have a clear goal.

2.) Value: What’s so good about this?

Constantly building value throughout the sales process is critical with today’s buyer. Smart companies have recognized the shift toward more of an education-based model and responded with thoughtful and creative content to feature the specific value they provide.

Content marketing strategy

Whether your target is a CEO of a B2B organization or an office manager for a B2C company, content with value that can’t be ignored means the difference between a lost sale and a close. Instead of offering up your pricing as a flat number, present an infographic that shows an example of real results. If a landing page on your website isn’t generating form submissions, add an inexpensive customer testimonial video.

Bottom line: Create content that highlights the value your customers will get, not what they’ll pay.

3.) Action: What’s the next step?

The main reasons even the most well-designed content will fall flat are no call to action (CTA) or an unclear one. If the desired next step is a phone call, make sure the phone number is presented as text so the user can call directly from a smartphone. If it’s a contact form, take the time to establish trust and ensure that you’re only asking for information that’s absolutely critical to advancing the sale.


For our Google Adwords campaigns with Jacksonville University, we used a contrasting color for the call-to-action button, a clear explanation of what the user is doing (vs. ‘Click here’), and supporting copy to drive action.

Another highly effective tactic to wring every last drop out of your digital campaigns is to employ stand-alone microsites that capture traffic from specific ads and platforms. Rather than drive your target audience to your website’s homepage, a microsite or landing page with content that focuses specifically on the buyer’s needs carries a strong, crystal-clear call to action.

Bottom Line: If what to do next isn’t clear to your prospects, they probably won’t do it.

When combined properly with the right marketing strategy, these elements create a repeatable model that can be measured and scaled. If you’re looking at a new content marketing strategy, or want a fresh set of eyes on your current one, get in touch with Chris and take your content to the next level.


Chris Ramaglia

Chris Ramaglia


Chris Ramaglia leads our digital strategies at the agency. He has more than 17 years' experience with online lead generation, holds nine digital marketing certifications, and has a borderline obsession with helping our clients smash their new business goals.