5 Ways to Efficiently Work with Your Designer

Working efficiently with a graphic designer can make a real difference in the success of your project. Clear communication, detailed planning, and mutual understanding are key components of a great collaboration. Below are some five steps to make sure you and your designer stay on the same page and have a smooth and productive collaboration.…

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The Best Ways to “Stress Test” Your Marketing Strategies

Stress testing is a method of evaluating a system by intentionally pushing it beyond its normal operating limits to see how it reacts.  It’s a technique used in a variety of businesses, such as manufacturing, finance and construction. We even subject our own bodies to it when our doctors recommend it.  The reason why it’s…

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How to track marketing ROI

The most important metric in any marketing strategy is the Return on Investment, or ROI. Not only do you need to know if your marketing is paying off, but also which tactics are most effective at driving revenue. The bottom line is: if you’re not accurately tracking your ROI, you’re taking (expensive) shots in the…

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A completely new website design for Complete Health

Earlier this month, we launched the freshly redesigned Complete Health website. As a primary care group that operates 25 practices across Florida, Alabama and Virginia, Complete Health needed a clean, modern website that delivered on their brand promise of always putting their patients first. To that end, we worked with their team to create a…

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After transition year, BroadBasedCommunications acquisition complete

By James Cannon  –  Managing Editor, Jacksonville Business Journal Article link: https://www.bizjournals.com/jacksonville/news/2024/01/11/broadbased-communications-acquisition-complete.html After a successful transition year, Chris Ramaglia has completed his acquisition of BroadBased Communications Inc. Ramaglia became a partner with Broadbased Founder Jan Hirabayashi in 2016 and has helped the firm grow and expand its operations. In 2023, Ramaglia acquired a controlling interest in BroadBased and…

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A Fresh Look for JaxKids Book Club

Nearly two decades since the inception of the JaxKids Book Club program, an exciting new version has been unveiled for Duval County preschoolers, featuring updated branding and a fresh selection of books. BroadBased originally served as the marketing partner for the City of Jacksonville’s 2004 team, which was responsible for creating, branding, and distributing what…

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