Required Reading: BroadBased 2018 Digital Marketing Survey Results

Digital Marketing Survey

Last month we invited small business owners, marketers and executives to participate in our first-ever digital marketing survey. They responded by providing useful insights into what’s working, what’s not and where they’re taking their digital strategies in 2018. Some results were expected, but others were surprising, as companies continue to refine their strategies and seek…

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Warning! If your website isn't secured with an HTTPS certificate, you could lose your search rankings

Anyone who’s familiar with search engine optimization (SEO) knows that the only constant in Google’s search algorithm is change. And when a change occurs, it can mean the difference between top rankings and average rankings, which can directly impact your website’s effectiveness. We’re bringing this up because starting October 1 Google will roll out one…

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2017: Our crystal ball says ‘digital’

You’ve no doubt been hearing the term “digital transformation” for the past couple of years, and you probably have a good sense of what it means. But here’s something you might not have thought about: Your company is in the midst of a digital transformation whether you realize it or not. Nearly all strategic planning…

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What will B2B digital marketing look like in 2017?

Today’s B2B buyer is taking a much different path to make their decision than in the past, yet many companies are still marketing to them the same way they did a decade ago. In 2017, effective digital strategies will be built around the modern buyer’s process and appeal to the way they prefer to be pitched…

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What do all successful Facebook ad campaigns have in common?

Facebook advertisers have grown 50% from 2015-2016* and at BroadBased we’ve seen firsthand how successful our clients’ campaigns can be at driving leads and building awareness. Facebook ad campaigns cost considerably less than traditional Google search campaigns and in some cases have surpassed traffic and leads generated by other digital tactics. Having actively managed hundreds…

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5 ways to improve your enrollment marketing strategy

In the age of digital, enrollment marketing methods have to engage today’s tech-savvy students to meet their goals. The key to engaging prospective students is to create a thoughtful strategy, technology and content to produce real, measurable results. How can you improve your digital strategy quickly? Our list will help you. Be Mobile-Friendly Prospective students…

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Condo conversions

“I don’t know what your new marketing firm is doing, but it’s working!” Those words were music to our ears as we heard feedback from a real estate client on a recent digital marketing campaign. The campaign was for Palazzo on St. Johns, a luxury waterfront condominium complex in Jacksonville. Our digital team was engaged…

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New business launch: The Pilates of marketing workouts

When it comes to exercising marketing muscle, creating a suite of sales and marketing materials for a new business launch will test an agency’s fitness level. We recently had a great workout courtesy of ClaimMedic, a new personal medical claims consulting business. Knowing that BroadBased specializes in lead generation and digital marketing, ClaimMedic approached us…

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